Potassium in Potatoes

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Potatoes, are excellent sources of potassium. One medium potato has 900 mg of potassium. Potatoes are also rich in complex carbohydrates and also an excellent source of fiber, especially if they are baked with the skin on.

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  Potassium in Avocados

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Whole avocado has 30 % of the daily value of potassium approximately 1067 mg. Avocados are an excellent source of healthy fats, which contribute to overall health. 

  Potassium in Milk  

Foods High In Potassium

Milk contains 400 mg of potassium in just one cup of milk. 
Kefir has  500 mg of potassium in just one cup.

  Potassium in Tomatoes  

Tomatoes contain more than 1800 mg of potassium per cup, this would be considered 50% of your daily recommended amount. Tomatoes are also an excellent source of vitamin C and fiber to promote overall digestive and immune health.
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  Potassium in Salmon  

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Salmon contains about 500 mg of potassium in one piece, about 3 ounces. Salmon is also an excellent source of healthy fats, omega-3 fatty acids. Choose wild Atlantic salmon, if possible. 

  Potassium in Spinach 

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 Leafy Greens

Contain up to 800 mg of potassium in one cup of cooked  greens. Leafy greens are highly recommended to improve overall health.

  Potassium in Bananas  

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 They contain more than 400 milligrams of potassium in each medium sized one. 

They can be added into a smoothie along with other great sources of potassium, such as cantaloupe, kiwi, oranges and strawberries. Bananas are also an excellent source of fiber, which help regulate your digestive system. 

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  Potassium in Fruit   

  One cup can of Dried fruit has  about 1500 milligrams.
