Prebiotics & Probiotics   

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Prebiotics assist probiotics by feeding probiotics to grow. 

Prebiotics and probiotics should be an important part of your diet as they work together to keep you healthy.

Prebiotics can help to improve colitis, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and calcium absorption. Additionally, they help your immune system by keeping the beneficial bacteria healthy enough to help fight off disease.

 Onions are rich in inulin which helps in boosting the immunity of the gut. SO The easiest way to get our daily dose preboitic is by having onions

Also whole grains like - Oats, barley, wheat etc are also very rich in prebiotics and will not only keep your gut healthy but also help your body in absorbing calcium.

Cabbage is one of the best natural source of prebiotic which help in the growth of healthy Gut bacteria.

Honey  promote the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, two important probiotic strains.

Pectin in apples help prevent the growth of bad bacteria.

Bananas are not only rich in fibre and potassium but is indeed a very good source of prebiotic, eat them everyday.

Image result for ripe banana

Image result for ripe banana
