Potassium Health Benefits  

Blood Pressure and Heart Health

Potassium regulates blood pressure and circulation. A diet that is low in potassium but high in sodium foods can lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. (16)
Potassium with other minerals like calcium and magnesium, prevents fluid from building up in cells. 
A buildup of fluid elevates blood pressure and can result in narrowed arteries and poor circulation. 

So potassium-rich foods while also limit excess sodium is very important.  (17)

Supports a Healthy Metabolism

Potassium is needed to boost your metabolism because it’s responsible for breaking carbohydrates, in to glucose and turn them into  energy. 
Potassium turn amino acids in to proteins that build muscle.
SO orange juice, a banana or a potato can replace the potassium. Potassium  also balance minerals that are important for  muscles and bones.

Prevents Muscle Spasms and Pain

By balancing fluid levels, potassium helps the muscles to relax. Potassium breakdown carbs and proteins that muscles rely on for energy and repair, low potassium can also cause a fatigue, muscle spasms, cramps and general pains. and can even possibly contribute to weight gain.

Maintain Bone Health
Potassium is needed to help protect bones from becoming weak and prone to fractures. Potassium forms citrate that are converted to bicarbonate. Low potassium levels reduced bicarbonate precursors that are needed to neutralize acids in animal proteins.
Low potassium means low levels of bicarbonate precursors, the bones are not properly buffered from the sulfer-acids and can become demineralized and weak.
This can increase the risk for osteoporosis and fractures.

The Nervous System

Potassium is involved in thousands of cellular functions day in and day out, it’s crucial for nerve impulses and electrical signal that brain functions rely on. A potassium deficiency can cause fatigue also poor remembering.
The biggest signs of low potassium is “brain fog,” or the inability to focus.

Proper Digestion
Potassium acts like an electrolyte, helping to balance water, fluid and sodium levels within the digestive tract. 

Low potassium causes bloating or constipation because fluids build up and imbalances in minerals.

It’s also  balance the amount of acid in the stomach and keeping the body at the optimal pH level. 
This allows healthy bacteria to thrive and kill off harmful bacteria that lower immunity.

Alkaline Foods:

  • Fruits and vegetables promote alkalinity the most. Some of the top picks include citrus, dates, spinach, grapefruit, tomatoes, avocado, cucumber, kale, wheat grass, broccoli, oregano, garlic, ginger, cabbage, celery, red beet, watermelon, figs and ripe bananas.

Prevents Kidney Disorders

Potassium can lower the risk for kidney stone formation, due to the inverse between potassium and calcium. 
Kidney stones are actually calcium deposits, so reducing calcium in the urine is one way to fight off painful kidney problems. (18)

Top 10 potassium-rich foods - Dr. Axe

Magnesium-rich foods - Dr. Axe

Low potassium - Dr. Axe

Millions are suffering the  potassium deficient. In result the wrinkled skin and muscle tone are the signs of potassium deficiency, not specifically related to the aging process.
Potassium prevents hair loss, brittle teeth and nails, sinusitis, PLUS toxic waste in the body. 

Potassium deficiency is a proven cause of many illnesses including: arthritis, kidney stones, atrial fibrillation, adrenals, celiac disease, high blood pressure, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, gravis, Crohn's disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes and stroke.

Systemic candida and IBS all need the potassium-rich foods to combat the evil happening within their bodies.

 The properly nourished, healthy body gets a new bloodstream, a river of life continually circulating nutrients throughout the body, every 90 days. Every 11 months a set of billions of miraculous blood cells are replaced, and every 2 years the body rebuilds an entire new set of bones and hard tissues. 

Potassium is the great detergent of arteries. It slows down hardening and clogging whole cardiovascular system.

The main function of potassium is to keep the tissues healthy. Potassium keeps the body young and healthy.
