The miracle of Vitamin C  💚


Vitamin C has no toxicity but --- People who take high doses of Vitamin C experience  a C-flush, the bowel tolerance.

Since the liposomal C has superior absorption, it will not cause a C-flush so liposomal Vitamin C is not appropriate for this test.

 a Vitamin C dosage that’s right for you 

• 1,000 mg liposomal = 8,330 mg powder
• 2,000 mg liposomal = 12,000 mg powder
• 3,000 mg liposomal = 25,000 mg powder

Several forms of Vitamin C will induce a C-flush:

  • Sodium ascorbate  is safe and easy to use — preferred over all other non-liposomal 
  • Ascorbic acid powder Vitamin C — is an acid, it is more likely to cause digestive stress.
  • L-ascorbic provides the full spectrum of vitamin C compounds (including vitamin P and bioflavonoids like Hesperidin). Liposomal vitamin C helps absorption and 85 per cent of the vitamin C will be absorbed. Go To: Liposomal Vitamin C
  • Calcium ascorbate may slightly improve absorption, but high doses can introduce excessive amounts of calcium into the body.
  • Liquid and chewable C may contain sugar. Avoid them if possible.
A better way to absorb vitamin c. Carton of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C. Buy now button

When you don’t “feel quite right,”  increase in dose. If you reach a sense of well-being the body’s need has most likely been met.
